
Supporting Enterprise Development Development online platform for collaborative selling – business blog and twitter Investigate a mechanism to allow local businesses, group’s access to website to share information on upcoming events

Prepare contract of usage that protects the community with regard to access passwords.

Put system in place for administration rights, website maintenance and to keep website up to date.

2019 Business commitment

Labour support

Technical assistance



Banagher Development Group

Offaly West Enterprise Society – Tourism facility

Offaly Local Development Company

Increased business opportunities with a view to building and supporting enterprise development in Banagher.
Identify the requirements for enterprise space for business start-ups Research the availability of quality enterprise space and the investment required (if any) to entice new start up to avail of the work space

Prepare an effective promotional pack aimed at business start-up and / or business re-location

2019 Technical support and staff resources



Local Enterprise Office

Offaly Local Development Company

Business community

Market Banagher as an Enterprise Hub and the opportunities for new businesses to start up and / or re-locate
Support existing businesses Develop a business / traders network that will provide a mechanism for collaborative initiatives that can drive enterprise 2019 Facilitation support

Business commitment

Offaly Local Development Company

Local Enterprise Office

Business Community

Programme of activities developed that will increase business opportunities.
Relocation of services to available space Carry out premises audit of buildings suitable (including vacant / disused buildings) for relocation of services

Identify potential users of available space e.g. Offaly County Council; Local Enterprise Office

Develop information pack for distribution to identified to potential services and businesses

Investigate the possibility of developing an enterprise pilot scheme whereby reduced rates / rents are charged to businesses for using vacant / derelict buildings

2020 Banagher Development Group

Offaly Local Development Company

Local Enterprise Office

Local Authority

Decentralisation of services to community which facilitates access for residents and businesses alike.

Vacant building reused and occupied

“Enterprising Banagher” Brand Work with businesses to develop an enterprise brand across all sectors that is used by businesses in Banagher

Develop systems for usage of the brand by businesses at their premises or in their own marketing material

Develop street signage of the brand for businesses to use

2019 Financial


Business Community

Offaly Local Development Company – LEADER

Packaged developed that stimulates a strong identification and association of Banagher and enterprise.
Increase the tourism accommodation base in Banagher Meet all existing accommodation providers; ask for their thoughts on what they think are required.

Enquire from them what their future intentions are with regard to the service they provide and their willingness to enhance/increase their offering.

Set in place mechanism to assist potential investors – from site identification to planning, to finance.

Develop a plan identifying opportunities for the provision of accommodation in Banagher and promote to potential investors

2019 Time and expertise from accommodation providers

Staffing resourcing

Technical support and mentoring


€6,000 (cost for mentoring and panel support)

Accommodation Providers


Local Authority

Analysis of existing accommodation base in the town with view to identifying new opportunities

Package of supports developed for expansion and / or new start-up businesses

Increased capacity within the town to cater for visitors and tourists

Increase the tourism product offering in Banagher Work with existing product providers to identify opportunities to develop their business further; adding new range of activities / services

Identify funding opportunities for the business expansion

Support enterprises access this funding

2019 – 2020 Staffing support Offaly Local Development Company Expanded range of services / activities provided which (a) extends visitor stay (b) offers a greater choice for local market (c) adds sustainability to existing businesses.

Festivals and Events

Festival & Event Development Develop and expand group to grow TBBF

Work with existing festival organisers to expand April fishing festival

Christmas Market

Recruit volunteers to work specifically on development and delivery of programme of activities for the festival

Review existing programme; expand group and range of activities.  Development of fishing festival in September as well as April.

Support committee to develop annual event

Work with stallholders to identify areas of support required

Put in place package of interventions that meets individual and collective needs

2018 – 2020 Volunteers



That Beats Banagher Group

Christmas Market Group

Fishing Group

Business Community

Offaly Local Development Company

Banagher develops a calendar of festivals or events that involves the wider community in their local area and brings new visitors to the locality.



Community Broadband Research options for development of community broadband initiative Establish working group interested in leading out feasibility study into development of community broadband initiative

Research similar projects in other parts of Country – Kilkenny and in UK

Develop tender specification for engaging with professionals to undertake feasibility study

Prepare application for funding to support implementation of feasibility study

Complete feasibility study

2019 Volunteers

Funding / finance


Working group formed

Offaly Local Development Company

Application for funding submitted to resource feasibility study

Feasibility study undertaken that outlines requirements and process for development of community broadband initiative.