Green and Blue Spaces


Maximising the use of Blue and Green Spaces Develop seating and picnic areas by the Shannon. Identify premium locations for both seating and picnic areas.

Identify land ownership on these sites and any insurance issues that may arise, arrange appropriate insurance cover if needed.  If this is not possible then review locations.

Identify types of street furniture that would work for Banagher

Design and construct seating and picnic areas as always with regard for usability particularly for those with reduced mobility

Develop a plan for maintenance of these areas.

2019 External support – technical



Banagher Tidy Towns

Local Authority

Offaly West – CE Scheme

Offaly Local Development Company – TUS Scheme and LEADER

New or improvement works undertaken as part of town enhancement project

Additional recreational space created which complements existing amenities; facilitating greater access and usage of River Shannon

Controlled Parking at the Marina Identify stakeholders in this issue, consult with these stakeholders and develop an agreed plan for both parking control and the means in which it can be enforced.

Follow any legal procedures required to implement the plan.

Carry out any physical work required, then publicise start date of control plan.

Review after a year and make any necessary changes.

2018 Staff resourcing

Business expertise

Waterways Ireland

Local Authority

Business Community

Appropriate parking facilities developed that counteracts the current problems with parking at the Marina
Maintenance and Streetscape plan for the town – cleaning, planting, painting, green and blue space usage Set up stakeholders committee to address this issue including OLDC, L.A., + area engineer, tidy towns, C.E. Scheme, schools.

Publicise this venture.

Carry out detailed survey of street, mapping all minor and major issues detracting from the environment.

Develop work plan to address issues and meet on a regular basis to review implementation of plan.

Identify any blockage and how to remove it.

Review progress after 12 months and present to community.

Include work plan in the Tidy Towns application.

2018 Volunteers

Staffing resources



Offaly West – CE Scheme

Banagher Tidy Towns

Local Authority

Offaly Local Development Company – TUS and LEADER

Business community

Property owners

UCD Eco Health Project

Streetscape and landscape spaces developed that are vibrant, atheistically pleasing and provide good quality recreational spaces for the local community and visitors – building build of place and improving health and well being

Amenity Development

Capital/Infrastructure developments to provide quality amenities Develop fishing platforms to allow for angling on the River Shannon Identify locations for platforms adjacent to River Shannon

Identify ownership of land on which the platforms will be erected, should issues with ownership of land at these locations arise then resolve access where possible, if this is impossible then review location.

Identify any insurance issues that may arise and if necessary review cost of appropriate cover.

Design platforms to facilitate all users including those with a disability.

Construct platforms to the desired design and agree any maintenance issues for the future.

2020 Staff support



Local businesses

Waterways Ireland

Offaly Local Development Company

Local Authority

Series of fishing platforms developed adjacent to River Shannon that build on currently angling sporting events; encourage additional events to be developed and increases Banagher’s share of the angling tourism market.
Develop looped walking/cycling routes Identify possible routes and ownership of same.

Consult with landowners and other stakeholders

Develop package of walks that can be signed and offered to locals and visitors alike e.g. Slí na Slainte routes.

2021 Technical knowledge Rural Recreational Officer

Offaly Local Development Company


Local Authority – Smart Travel

National Trails Office

Waterways Ireland

Access to walking and cycling routes developed and promoted for visitors and locals alike – enhancing visitor and locals experience of the community.
Development of floating boardwalk linking Banagher Bridge to Fort Eliza on the water Research models of floating boardwalks in other areas / countries

Consult with landowners  – Waterways Ireland and Offaly County Council

Engage with professionals in this field on the design of the infrastructure

Develop full pricing for such a development – construction, maintenance, insurance

Construct boardwalk

2021 Finance


Waterways Ireland

Local Authority

Banagher Development Group – initiate project

Highly innovative walkway developed that will provide Banagher with a unique selling point; adding new dimension of usage and access for all to the River Shannon and Forte Eliza.
Provide access and opportunities for sport adventure in Banagher Identify potential stakeholders regarding types of sports adventure which might be based in Banagher.

Consult stakeholders on nature and location of access required to accommodate said sports.

Set up group to pursue the provision of access including statutory bodies.

2019 Staff resources Waterways Ireland



Sports Partnership

Failte Ireland

Establishment of Banagher as Soft Adventure Hub in Offaly based on its access to range of soft sporting adventure activities both land and water based.

Education and Training

Education and Training To maximise the opportunities within educational facilities in the community for community based training initiatives Link with Laois/Offaly E.T.B. to explore training needs and opportunities.

Identify others who may be potential partners in the future e.g. AIT; Failte Ireland; Local Enterprises

Develop working group to manage / coordinate activities

Develop pilot programmes in areas that are relevant to Banagher e.g. outdoor activities; tourism, engineering, construction

2019 Staff support



Laois Offaly Education Training Board

Offaly Local Development Company

Training institutions

Business community

Educational working group

Development of an outreach campus for education programmes that utilises the natural, built environment as well as the indigenous enterprises in Banagher.
Explore potential for 3rd level outreach centre Undertake scoping study on St. Rynaghs College of Further Education – current and future potential

Discuss with ETB and 3rd level institutes in relevant catchment area their future plans

Based on discussion pilot rollout of outreach 3rd level training programme

2022 Agency and institutional engagement

Facilitation support for process*

Laois Offaly Educational Training Board

3rd Level Educational Institutions

Offaly Local Development Company

Educational working group

Development of educational hub in Banagher that targets participation in adult and 3rd level education.

Maximising built resources in the community for this purpose.