Offaly West Enterprise Society Ltd. was set up during the recession of the 1980’s. It has approximately 240 shareholders and the Crank House is operated on their behalf by a Board of Directors which includes Margaret Barton, Chairperson, George Smith, Secretary, Martin O’Rourke, Treasurer.
At present facilities at the Crank House are leased to organisations such as:
Offaly Local Development Company
West Offaly Training
Bird Watch Ireland,
Vinehouse Kitchen
The Tourist Office,
The Long Room is available for community group meetings, cultural activities and exhibitions.
Banagher Community Employment Scheme is sponsored by Offaly West Enterprise which employs 22 people on different projects in Banagher, Shannon Harbour, Cloghan and Lusmagh. The scheme is administered from Crank House.

Contact: Margaret Barton, George Smith


Phone: 057 9152155

Opening Hours: 10.00am – 5.00pm

Address: Crank House, Banagher